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Case Study – UK Power Network, Sundridge

Client: MBC Contracts

Location: Sundridge

Year Completed: 2017


The customer, UK Power Networks, is an electricity distribution network operator. They cover the South East, East, and London. The network has several locations within its network area.


MBC Contracts needed a partner to supply, install and commission a new, safety compliant, Velogate for vehicle access. MBC contracts chose Teksec to partner with them on this project.

Project installation

As part of UKPN’s ongoing site security and general gate safety upgrade works, Teksec, working with and on behalf of MBC Contracts installed and commissioned a new fully safety compliant Velogate for a controlled vehicle only entrance and exit. This has now not only given the client peace of mind for Gate Safe compliancy, but a completely reliable security gate for its 24/7/365 operational site.

Project outcome

UKPN now operate a safety compliant vehicle access gate that controls all vehicular access to their Sundridge site. The site is able to operate safely and securely 24/7/365, meeting all regulatory requirements.

Sunridge UK Power Network Velogate
Sunridge Velogate Client side