Gate Safety, Compliance, and Force Testing

Teksec Gate Safe
Teksec professionals are fully trained to ensure that installations meet legislative and guideline requirements. If work is to be carried out on existing gates, as opposed to installing new gates, we can knowledgeably carry out assessments to advise you on whether your perimeter security solution is meeting the necessary standards.
Because gate safety is one of our top priorities, Teksec is accredited by the IOSH as a Gate Safe Aware Premier Installer.
What does this mean?
It means we:
- Encourage and demonstrate good practice within the gate automation industry
- Educate our customers on the importance of automated gate safety
- Adhere to safety protocol for automated gates and barriers
- Provide the appropriate recommended products and services that will deliver a safe automated gate/barrier installation
- Actively follow up all installations with an appropriate maintenance regime
- Undertake risk assessments prior to and post the commissioning of any installation and subsequent to any follow up visits
- Act professionally at all times
What can we offer?
To enable us to propose the right solution for you, we work with a wide range of manufacturers. You can therefore have peace of mind that your perimeter security system will meet both legislative requirements and your requirements.